A new journey

issue #1

A new journey

Hello to you!

If you receive this newsletter, it means you have subscribed to one of my other newsletters (at trixjoyce.net) and I have hand-picked people from these that I think are specifically interested in this new one (and if that's not the case, you can of course unsubscribe in the footer!). However, I want to welcome you to this journey with me!

This is the beginning of new things

I've always wanted to make a blog with an accompanying newsletter all about philosophy and focusing on creative writing. So I made Lunic Philosophy! What the name "Lunic" means, will be described in the next issue of the newsletter...

This newsletter of Lunic Philosophy explores the topic of personal development and how that is related to philosophical thinking. It also explores the philosophy of happiness from a more internal perspective, and what it means to be happy regardless of outer achievements.

This newsletter comes out once or twice a month and it contains bite-sized articles and life advice as well as inspirational and philosophical musings just from my mind (and other people's minds as well sometimes!).

Main takeaways

  • This is the introduction to this new newsletter
  • This newsletter has an accompanying blog
  • It will come out once or twice a month.
  • It will be about philosophy, more specifically personal development and similar topics.

See you soon!


More information about this newsletter can be found here: www.trixjoyce.ck.page

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Trix Joyce

Hello, my name is Trix and I make youtube videos about personal development, personal documentaries, philosophy, digital art, and spirituality. In my newsletter "Lunic Philosophy", I write about mostly personal growth but also about healthy productivity and of course my own philosophical thoughts.

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issue #3 I’ve gained more imagination with age Hello, you beautifully sparkling human! I haven't written these newsletters for a while, but now I'm noticing a lot more subscribers so I thought now is a good time to continue this journey of philosophical snippets in this newsletter format! Who said imagination disappears with age? I can't really say this resonates with me. I can't relate to it. When I look back on my childhood I remember myself as less creative and less imaginative than I am...

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